When Erica asked me to be a tester for MyBodyModel, I was thrilled for more than one reason! Firstly, I couldn’t wait to see some patterns on a plus-size body. As a plus-size sewer it is often hard to see myself in the same clothes as the tall, willowy models on the covers of pattern envelopes. I just have to sew the item up and see how it works on my body. Even when plus-size models are used, visualizing a pattern on your 5 foot 3 inch tall body can still be a challenge. Ashley Graham, I am not!
Secondly, I could imagine how I might use MyBodyModel to test out some of my pattern modifications in sketches before I even cut into my fabric! How fantastic is that? I don’t know about you, but I cannot seem to follow pattern instructions to save my life. Often times I am altering before I even know it’s happening! Usually I am adding sleeves and pockets. (Sleeveless is great, it’s just not my style.) Also, pockets in EVERYTHING!
Of all of the templates in the MyBodyModel packet I found myself gravitating towards the 3 body layout. I like the way you can immediately compare your alterations side-by-side. Personally, I like to draw the original pattern on the left model and modify as I move across the page.
Here are four different ways that I’ve used the 3-models per page layout to plan my sewing projects:
1) Comparing different pattern views
Here I used my 3-models-per-page template from MyBodyModel to compare three different views of M7596 by The McCall Pattern Company
2) Sketching self-drafted project ideas
Here I used my 3-models-per-page template from MyBodyModel to try out three different versions of a self-drafted square top
3) Exploring pattern modifications and hacks
From adding sleeves to color-blocking, the possibilities are endless!
Here I used the 3-models layout to sketch three different versions of the Seamwork Catarina dress pattern
Here I used the 3-models layout to explore fabric direction, pattern placement, and color blocking ideas for the Seamwork Georgia dress pattern
4) Designing a refashioned garment
I decided to test out my refashioning skills with a RTW Modcloth dress that I bought many moons ago. It has never been worn or out of my closet. It fits for the most part, but I just don’t like the way it lays. I think it has survived several closet purges because it is really bright and unlike anything else I own.
See? Not great looking. I sketched out a couple of options, first as a flowy tank top and then as a skirt. The neck pleats were really my least favorite part of the dress so I went with the skirt.
First I measured the length of the skirt I wanted. The ideal length was 25″ on the red and off-white outer skirt and 24″ on the off-white under skirt. Since I was using 1.5″ waistband elastic I went ahead and added 2″ to that. Measuring from the bottom of the outer skirt I cut 27″ off. Measuring from the bottom of the underskirt I cut 26″ off.
I’m lazy so I kept the hem in the skirts and just folded over the edge that I had cut at the top to create the elastic waistband casing. It was done in no time!
Voila! I think it is much more my style and will actually get worn. I only have a little bit of fabric left from the shoulders and neck that will go into my scrap bin. I’m so glad I had a way to visualize how I could refashion this dress and I can’t wait to try more!

Two decades after her grandmother proclaimed she was “hopeless” with a sewing machine, Megan took a sewing class and fell madly in love. She turned to the online sewing community to continue her education and became so enamored that she created a blog to share her sewing, and sometimes knitting, journey. Megan is a non-profit professional who lives in St. Louis, Missouri with her very patient husband and two rambunctious cats. You can find Megan and the cats on her blog at SomedaySewing and on Instagram at @someday_sewing.
6 thoughts on “4 Ways that I’ve Used MyBodyModel to Plan My Sewing Projects, by Megan”
Wow, your fashion is great. Good job. I love seeing before and after shots, especially when it is such a success. I guess I should get moving on my Iroquois. I love mybodymodel.
My auto correct is a pain in the neck. It should be croquis not Iroquois, jeez.
I love before & after shots, too – and refashion projects are so cool. I hope you enjoy sketching on your body model and exploring your fashion ideas!
The skirt looks great!
Hi Megan, I so appreciate you posting your pictures of your petite silhouette. I am also 5.3” and plus size so it’s good to get the perspective on a croquis my size. I’m just checking out the app and the other blog post I read was from Mel (Ditzy Tulip) and she is slim. Anyway thank you Val.
I love how you used the material for a top with the white/cream bottom. It looks sooo sophisticated and rich.
Thanks for sharing real pictures after made up.