Here are some Frequently Asked Questions about MyBodyModel’s beta web app.
What does “Beta” mean?
“Beta” means we’re testing the app and collecting feedback to help prioritize any fixes or improvements that are needed. Customer feedback has guided MyBodyModel’s app development since day 1. We designed MyBodyModel based on feedback from makers and designers, including our amazing team of testers and our our 725 Kickstarter backers. Our goal was to create the best possible product within our initial budget. When the app was ready, we conducted Alpha testing with our testers, and closed Beta testing with our backers. Now we’re ready to open up the test to all of you!
How do I submit my Beta feedback?
Please tell us what you think about the app by responding to this survey. We love positive feedback, but if anything isn’t working for you, we won’t know unless you tell us! If you run into any issues with the app, email
Can I purchase downloads from the MyBodyModel app even though it’s in “Beta” testing?
Yes, please! Beta sales will help fund the next phase of development, so we can get from Beta to 1.0 as soon as possible.
How do credits work?
MyBodyModel is a free-to-preview, pay-to-download app. MyBodyModel pricing uses Credits. 1 Credit buys you 1 Download Package. You can buy one credit at a time, or you stock up on credits for our best rates. Credits do not expire and can be used anytime. When you click “Purchase” to download your body model, 1 Credit is applied at checkout.
If I purchase my body model for download, will I be able to edit it later?
You cannot edit your download package after purchasing it. Use our free preview and free editing to make sure you’re happy with your body model before you purchase. When you click “Purchase” to buy your body model for download, the app generates a JPEG image and a printable PDF packet of your body model. Your download package is saved in your Portfolio where you can download it any time.
What if my body changes?
We totally understand that bodies change. That’s one of the reasons we made sure our initial download package is super affordable at $20 for one Credit. You can buy two Credits for $30 – That’s 50% off your second Credit. If you expect your body measurements to change, you can buy two Credits at a discounted price, so that you have one to use now, and one to use later. Credits do not expire and you can use them anytime. (If you backed our Kickstarter campaign, not to worry – We will honor what we said in those FAQs!)
Help! I entered my measurements and my body model doesn’t look right.
Click “Edit” and double check your measurements (and the measurement instructions) for any areas that don’t look right. If possible, enlist a helper to take your measurements. If you reviewed your measurements and your body model preview still needs adjustments, don’t worry about the numbers: Fine tune your body model by increasing or decreasing your measurements for any body areas that need adjusting.
What if my body model still doesn’t look right after I make adjustments?
Please let us know what body areas aren’t looking right, so that we can use your feedback to improve. The more information you can share with us, the better! If the app rendering just isn’t working for you, please email Erica a screen shot of your body model preview, a description of the issue, and a list of your measurements. And, if you’re comfortable, it would be very helpful to send us a full-length photo of yourself! The photo will not be shared publicly, and a quick photo taken from a phone is fine – Ideally a photo of your full body directly facing the camera, wearing form-fitting clothing such as leggings and a camisole, standing in a similar pose to the croquis. If possible, the camera should be level (not tilted upward or downward) and about waist-height, and at least a few yards away from you. Thank you! We’ll keep you posted about improvements to the app so that you can give it another try.
When will you offer a back view and/or more poses?
We hope to use Beta sales to fund the next phase of development. If all goes well, we hope to offer a back view and a hands-on-hip pose soon.
I only see adult female croquis options. When will you offer other croquis types?
MyBodyModel Beta is just the beginning, and we have lots of exciting goals for expanding our offerings. For now, we need to invest Beta sales revenue in getting our current croquis builder from Beta to 1.0. In the future, we would love expand to offer male croquis, pre-teen croquis, and more! But we need to hear from you, our customers, about what you want and need most from MyBodyModel. We’d love to hear from you anytime!

An obsessed garment sewist with a passion for body-positive fashion drawing, Erica founded MyBodyModel in 2017 and led the company for more than five years before it became part of Cashmerette in 2023. You can find Erica and her beginner-friendly drawing classes & style workshops at Illustrated Style School and @illustratedstyleschool.
3 thoughts on “FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions about MyBodyModel Beta”
I have paid to get my download but am wondering how or where I can use the jpeg file. I want to know if you know of an app or program that I can bring my jpeg up in and sketch designs digitally over (or incorporate my image into my sketches somehow) to get images of how I will look in my own designs. Do any digital Croquis apps use your own measurements?
Not sure if my last comment sent. Do you know of any digital croquis apps or sketching apps that can use my jpeg I have of my body image from my body model
Hi Rhonda, there are so many great sketching apps that you can use to draw on your JPEG custom croquis from MyBodyModel! If you check the Sketchbook Chronicles on the blog you will find some great examples of digital sketching by Diane Stanley (using SketchClub app) and Mel Thorley (using Procreate app). Personally I have been using the SketchBook app on my iPad. I love using layers to try different outfit combinations without re-drawing the whole thing! I’ve also seen someone draw digitally on her PDF by using the PDFExpert app. There are so many options – It’s really a matter of trying them out and finding what works best for you. I hope you enjoy sketching on your new body model templates!