Me Made May Clothing Sketch Roundup

Me-Made May Clothing Sketch Roundup!

Me-Made May is one of our favorite months of the year, and it’s been extra fun to see so many people documenting each me-made outfit as a clothing sketch on their MyBodyModel croquis. Here are some of our favorites!

Paper Doll Style Clothing Sketches

Inspired by the “Paper Dolls for Grownups” class, Hilary decided to use the paper doll method for documenting her daily me-made outfits, with the goal to “help understand what gets worn and what I need to make.” So far, she’s discovered that she centered the color blue – and denim! – at the core of her first week of Me Made May outfits. Alongside a shot of her paper doll style clothing sketches on her MyBodyModel croquis, Hilary shared an amazing reflection about her where she stands in her sewing journey:

“After several years sewing it’s brilliant to see that this week 60% of my clothes were #memade.”

– Hilary @sewinghjo
MyBodyModel Paper Dolls for Grownups outfit sketches by @sewinghjo: Plantain Tee, Burnside Bibs, Ginger Jeans by Closet Core, RosarĂ­ Skirt by Pauline Alice, Kate Dress by Sew Me Something, Toaster Sweater by Sew House Seven, Blackwood Cardigan by Helen's Closet, Sorbetto Top by Seamwork
Hilary @sewinghjo drew her week 1 of Me Made May on her MyBodyModel, paper doll style! Patterns: Plantain Tee, Burnside Bibs, Ginger Jeans by Closet Core, RosarĂ­ Skirt by Pauline Alice, Kate Dress by Sew Me Something, Toaster Sweater by Sew House Seven, Blackwood Cardigan by Helen’s Closet, Sorbetto Top by Seamwork.

Audra has also been using her MyBodyModel croquis and paper doll techniques to make a clothing sketch of each of her daily me made outfits. A cropped version of the Helen’s Closet Elliot Tee and a pair of Style Arc Bob Pants seem to be staples in Audra’s Me Made May wardrobe!

“I chose as my challenge sketching clothes for my custom croquis from @mybodymodel since I already wear me made everyday and the thought of trying to take daily selfies fills me with horror.”

– Audra @secret_pockets
MyBodyModel Paper dolls for grownups, outfit sketches by @secret_pockets: adder Stripes dress from Ottobre, Elliot Tee from Helen's Closet, Bob Pants from Style Arc, LB Pullover from Paper Theory, Free Range Slacks from Sew House Seven
Audra @secret_pockets used tracing paper to draw her Me Made May outfits on her MyBodyModel paper doll! Patterns: Ladder Stripes dress from Ottobre, Elliot Tee from Helen’s Closet, Bob Pants from Style Arc, LB Pullover from Paper Theory, Free Range Slacks from Sew House Seven.
If you’ve been wanting to learn beginner fashion drawing so that you can design a me-made wardrobe that you love, check out our "Paper Dolls for Grownups" beginner fashion drawing course. Get 20% off this course in May!

Digital Clothing Sketches

After taking MyBodyModel’s “Digital Paper Dolls: Digital Drawing Basics“ course, Pam was having so much fun the she decided to challenge herself to a daily digital clothing sketch. She says, “The real game changer was learning how to add the actual fabric print to your drawings. It really helps with getting the colors and proportions right.” She is making it a point to continue to try out fabric and outfit combinations for Me Made May:

“I’ve got a couple of capsules planned and since I’m loving digital drawing so much I’ve decide that I’m going to document my #memademay2021 by drawing all my outfits. I’ve already started drawing individual pieces so it will be super easy to mix and match them.”

– Pam @rocketcitysewist
MyBodyModel digital clothing sketches by Pam @rocketcitysewist:  @LoveNotions #LaundryDayTee, @TheAssemblyLineShop #TALcufftop, @ClosetCorePatterns #Gingerjeans, @LoveNotions #WillowWrapdress / @ItchtoStitch #belizeshortsandskort, @SewHouse7 #TaborVNeck, @ClosetCorePatterns #Pietrapants, @Helens_Closet #ardenpants, @shopwiksten #wikstenshift, @Helens_Closet #ardenpants, @seamwork #seamworkrhett, @tessustifabrics #mandyboattee, @Helens_Closet #ardenpants, @LoveNotions #RhapsodyBlouse, @ClosetCorePatterns #CieloTop /@SewHouse7 #FreeRangeSlacks, @LoveNotions #LNClassicTee #SummerBasicsDress, @SeamWork#seamworkrhett / @ClosetCorePatterns #Gingerjeans, @BlankSlatePatterns #TulipTop
Days 1 through 12 of Pam’s Me Made May clothing sketches!

Check out Pam’s Instagram story highlights to follow her daily clothing sketches this month! We love how she’s added real-life location photos as backgrounds for her daily sketches. Here are a couple that made us smile:

Looking chic in the produce aisle, Me Made May edition! We love Pam's digital clothing sketch on her MyBodyModel croquis: Cielo Top by Closet Core, Free Range Slacks by Sew House Seven
Looking chic in the produce aisle! Pam’s MyBodyModel croquis is wearing the Cielo Top by Closet Core Patterns and Free Range Slacks by Sew House Seven.
Looking stylish on a garden stroll, Me Made May edition! We love Pam's digital clothing sketch on her MyBodyModel croquis:  Rhett Jacket by Seamwork, Mandy Boat Tee by Tessuti, Arden Pants by Helen's Closet
Looking stylish on a garden stroll! Pam’s MyBodyModel avatar is wearing the Rhett Jacket by Seamwork, Mandy Boat Tee by Tessuti, Arden Pants by Helen’s Closet.

After taking the MyBodyModel digital drawing course, Janet has also been recording her daily Me Made May outfits using her tablet and the Autodesk Sketchbook app. We love to see tried & true core basics that get worn again and again, like these denim Birkin Flares and linen Lander pants!

“It’s great fun and I’m getting better at drawing on the tablet.”

Janet @andsewfifth
MyBodyModel digital clothing sketches by Janet @sewfifth: Linden tee, Birkin Flares, Linen Landers, Danmark top, Elbe Textiles Carine tee, B6494, Sie Macht Cass Tee, Badiane top.
We love these digital clothing sketches by Janet @andsewfifth! Patterns include: Linden tee, Birkin Flares, Linen Landers, Danmark top, Elbe Textiles Carine tee, B6494, Sie Macht Cass Tee, Badiane top.
If you have a tablet and have been wanting to learn the basics of digital fashion drawing, check out MyBodyModel's digital drawing basics course! This course is also 20% off in May!

Fun with Art Supplies & Color!

Other makers have created unique Me Made May clothing sketches with various fun approaches towards illustrating with watercolors, marker, pen, and colored pencil.

After the first few days of Me Made May, Eri decided that this transitional weather month is the perfect opportunity to photograph and document her #mybodymodel3x3 Fall Capsule Collection. She shares the autumnal pieces she sketched on her MyBodyModel croquis and sewed and knitted for the cozy fall season – which also happen to work perfectly for spring!

Eri's MyBodyModel 3x3 capsule planning sketches and completed outfits! Ursa sweater by Jacqueline Cieslak & Hinterland Dress by Sew Liberated; Elliot Sweater by Helen's Closet & Bob Pants by Style Arc; Concord T-shirt by Cashmerette, Ursa sweater by Jacqueline Cieslak, & Arenite Pants by Sew Liberated
Eri’s MyBodyModel 3×3 capsule planning sketches and completed outfits! Ursa sweater by Jacqueline Cieslak & Hinterland Dress by Sew Liberated; Elliot Sweater by Helen’s Closet & Bob Pants by Style Arc; Concord T-shirt by Cashmerette, Ursa sweater by Jacqueline Cieslak, & Arenite Pants by Sew Liberated

Inspired by her fellow sewists and the recent strides towards pattern inclusivity, Charlie is using Me Made May to explore what her current style is and think about how to develop a coherent wardrobe with some of the fabrics she has in her stash! She has created some beautiful outfit illustrations on her MyBodyModel croquis and is looking to consider creativity and practicality each step of the way:

“Whenever I wear me-mades during May, I will try to photograph my outfits, so that I can think about my style and how it intersects with the practicalities of my day-to-day life. I will consider what I like (or don’t like) about my existing me-mades, and how they fit into my lifestyle. I will sew things using patterns and fabric I already own and think about how much sewing I can realistically do.”

– CharlieM @charliemmakes
Charlie's outfit sketches on her MyBodyModel croquis, alongside her outfit as worn in real life! Cosmos Sweatshirt by Sew House Seven & Glebe Pants by Muna and Broad; Waikerie Shirt, Glebe Pants, and Birchgrove Pants by Muna and Broad & Slouchy Cardi by Peppermint Magazine
Charlie’s outfit sketches on her MyBodyModel croquis, alongside her outfit as worn in real life! Cosmos Sweatshirt by Sew House Seven & Glebe Pants by Muna and Broad; Waikerie Shirt, Glebe Pants, and Birchgrove Pants by Muna and Broad & Slouchy Cardi by Peppermint MagazinePatterns (top to bottom): Cosmos Sweatshirt by Sew House Seven & Glebe Pants by Muna and Broad; Waikerie Shirt, Glebe Pants, and Birchgrove Pants by Muna and Broad & Slouchy Cardi by Peppermint Magazine.

Alongside photos of her finished makes, @sas_whitehart has been documenting and sharing her daily outfits drawn on her MyBodyModel croquis for Me Made May. We love how each clothing sketch captures the vibrancy of @sas_whitehart’s colorful knitwear collection and fabrics used in every outfit!

We love @sas_whitehart color-filled wardrobe of knitted and sewn garments! Patterns: Bianca Flight Suit by Closet Core; Shirt No 1 by 100 Days of Sewing, Heyday Dungarees by Waves and Wild, & Lush Cardigan by Tin Can Knits; Heyday Dungarees by Waves and Wild.
We love @sas_whitehart color-filled wardrobe of knitted and sewn garments! Patterns: Bianca Flight Suit by Closet Core; Shirt No 1 by 100 Days of Sewing, Heyday Dungarees by Waves and Wild, & Lush Cardigan by Tin Can Knits; Heyday Dungarees by Waves and Wild.
Are you interested in learning more about coloring tools and techniques for your clothing sketches? Look out for MyBodyModel's coloring course, coming soon! Newsletter subscribers will get first access, so be sure to sign up!

More Inspiration!

Are you inspired to to start or continue your My Made May clothing sketch journey? Check these out for more ideas!

Have you ever tried sketching your outfit of the day? Let us know in the comments!

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